The Fizio Congress 2020 is an opportunity for physiotherapists involved in the study, management and development of innovation and practitioners to come together and share ideas.The conference provides announcements of original basic and/or applied research, as well as theoretical, review and methodological papers in the fields related to the topic of the conference. The paper may be presented by one of the authors of the paper. Presentations will be organized in two forms, poster presentation or oral presentation in front of the audience. Poster presentation is 5 minutes long with questions included. The oral presentation is for 10 minutes with additional time for questions. After your work has been accepted, please read more detailed instructions on creating posters and power point presentations listed bellow
Congress topics:
1. Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
2. Neurophysiotherapy
3. Cardiorespiratory physiotherapy
4. Sports Physiotherapy
5. Free topics
Instructions for authors
Papers can be presented in Croatian or English.
Preparation and formatting of summaries
The abstract of the paper should be written in standard Croatian and English. Summaries that linguistically deviate significantly from the standard of the selected language will not be included in the review process. The abstract size must be between 1500 – 2000 characters with spaces, which does not include the title of the paper, the name of the author and the name of the institution. A summary cannot contain tables, charts, and figures, but only text.
When presenting research results, the abstract should include the usual structure including introduction, aim, methods, results and conclusion.
Theoretical, review and methodological papers should summarize clearly the contents through the introduction, aim and conclusion.
Below the summary, 3 to 5 keywords are required.
Preparation and design of papers
Authors can decide if they will only submit a summary of the paper or a complete paper that will be published in the Proceedings book.
The total limit of the complete paper is 7000 words, excluding pictures, tables and graphs.
Referencing instructions
Applying abstracts and papers
You can apply your abstracts and full papers HERE.
For any questions or difficulties with filling out the form, please contact .
Accepting abstracts and papers
The Scientific committee will review the papers submitted and decide on their acceptance for presentation at the conference. A notice of acceptance and further instructions will be sent to the authors no later than 15/10/2020.
A notice of acceptance will be sent to the first author via e-mail. In order for paper to be accepted, registration fee must be paid.
The Scientific committee reserves the right to decide how will accepted papers be presented.
Instructions for posters and power point presentations
Poster presentation is 5 minutes long with questions included. The poster can be submitted in JPEG format or as a single slide of a power point presentation. E-poster dimensions (JPEG and ppt) must be in landscape format (16: 9). In the case of JPEG format, the image must be at least 1920 × 1080 pixels in resolution and may not exceed a total file size of 10MB, while the power point must contain only one slide showing the entire contents of the poster. Please use fonts compatible with PC and Mac operating systems (Arial, Courier New, Georgia, Helvetica, Times, Times New Roman…). E-posters must be submitted by 30/11/2020.
Oral presentation is 15 minutes long with additional time for questions. Power point slides will be used for oral presentations, which should be submitted by 30/11/2020 and whose design remains arbitrary at the discretion of the author, noting that fonts supported by PC and Mac operating systems should be used.
Other important information
Proceedings book will be prepared for the conference papers and will be published before the beginning of the conference.
Important dates
The deadline for paper application is 30/09/2020.
Papers submitted late will not be considered and will not be reviewed.
The deadline for payment of the registration fee for authors is 1/11/2020.
A notice of acceptance will be sent to the authors no later than 15/10/2020.
The deadline for submitting posters and power point presentations is 30/11/2020.
The date of the conference is 4/12/2020 – 5/12/2020.